Tai Kwun Conversations

Tai Kwun Conversations

Tai Kwun Conversations - Innovations in Urban Heritage

Tai Kwun Conversations - Notre Dame – How to rebuild a masterpiece of Gothic architecture in the 21st century?

Tai Kwun Conversations - The Making of National Gallery Singapore

Tai Kwun Conversations

The Book and the Sword in China and Italy’s Martial Culture

Invisible Innovation: Revitalising the Central Police Station Compound

Healing Architecture: Tsz Shan Monastery’s Mindfulness Journey in Purifying Body and Mind

Heritage Reborn: Restoration of Duddell Street Steps and Gas Lamps

Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong

Beyond the Surface – How paint conservation tells the identity of a building

Creating a Liveable City: Combining Conservation and Development in Yangon

Beyond Memories: Conserving Heritage in France and Macao

Date & Time

2 Mar - 30 Jun, 2021 First Monday of Every Month


JC Cube




Tai Kwun Conversations is a series of talks that brings together brilliant minds to discuss the challenges and rewards in pursuing a sustainable future through the active management of heritage resources. Join us at this monthly event to discover outstanding practices in heritage conservation and strike up a conversation with our renowned guest speakers.

Tai Kwun Treats

“Tai Kwun Treats” are now available for this programme participants! Get the vouchers and enjoy various privileged offers at designated shops and restaurants.

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