Commons or Fragments?
This lecture, instead of seeking to identify future commons with any material or immaterial being as the beginning of politics, attempts to ask, what if such future commons, in so far as it is not yet and probably will never be, what kind of politics can be opened up. In juxtaposition to the commons, it proposes to reflect on this question through its opposite, fragments.The talk will be conducted in English, with English to Cantonese simultaneous interpretation.
Summer Institute is a two-week programme of student seminars and distinguished lectures aiming to address the ways in which urgent philosophical issues apply pressure to contemporary cultural production.
Derived from the belief that common resources such as air, water, a habitable earth, and current resources such as technology and medicine belong to everyone, “Future Commons” is the speculative exploration of how communities are able to determine customs of life within sustainable means.
Yuk Hui
Yuk HUI is a philosopher, currently a Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. Since 2012, Hui has been teaching philosophy at the Institute for Philosophy at the Leuphana University in Germany and at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou. He is also a researcher of the Centre international des études Simondonienne in Paris, visiting faculty of the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow. He has published on philosophy of technology and media in periodicals such as Research in Phenomenology, Metaphilosophy, Theory Culture and Society, Parrhesia, Angelaki, Cahiers Simondon, Deleuze Studies, Intellectica, Krisis, Implications Philosophiques, Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie, Techné, among others. He is contributing editor of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory (2015), and author of On the Existence of Digital Objects (prefaced by Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, March 2016), The Question Concerning Technology in China. An Essay in Cosmotechnics(Urbanomic, December 2016), Recursivity and Contingency (prefaced by Howard Caygill, Rowman and Littlefield International, March 2019).