In 2019, the year of the future in both Blade Runner and Akira, we find ourselves stuck in a cyberpunk future: our bodies have merged with our devices; our society is beholden to unchecked corporate greed; our sprawling cities are starkly divided between haves and have-nots, luxurious smart homes and precarious dwellings. Thirty some years after its emergence as a dystopian vision of the technological future, the distinct visuality of the cyberpunk genre settled on our present. The artworks in the exhibition “Phantom Plane: Cyberpunk in the Year of the Future” explore how cyberpunk’s aesthetics and futurisms have bled into contemporary art. Following the opening of “Phantom Plane, Cyberpunk in the Year of the Future” at Tai Kwun Contemporary, we invite you to join us for an artist-sharing session along with the curators.
Nadim Abbas, Chan Wai Kwong, Tishan Hsu, JODI, Takehiko Nakafuji, Shinro Ohtake, Yuri Pattison, Nurrachmat Widyasena, Zheng Mahler, Dawn Chan, Xue Tan, Jeppe Ugelvig
This talk will be primarily conducted in English, with English to Cantonese simultaneous interpretation provided.