“No Limits” Documentary: Braille Music

“No Limits” Documentary: Braille Music

Date & Time

6 - 7 Mar, 2021 06.03.2021 | 5pm (English Audio Description)
07.03.2021 | 5pm (Cantonese dubbing)


JC Cube


Free of charge


Co-presented by

Hong Kong Arts Festival and
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

Venue Partner

Tai Kwun

Braille, a reading system invented in France, made it possible for the blind to read. It also allowed them to read music!

French educator and musician Louis Braille created the system and adapted it for other blind musicians to use. It opened the door for visually impaired people to learn what the great composers have written for the world as musical classics.

Braille Music gives a glimpse of the hard work that goes into rehearsals and recordings and shows top-class musicians practising their craft. Join an emotional trip to Paris to learn more about the story of Braille’s inventor.

Braille Music (2017)

Duration: 82 minutes

With Audio Description in Chinese and English, Accessible Captions in Chinese and English, Guide Dog Friendly, Braille Booklet

Click HERE for more programme details

The above content is provided by Hong Kong Arts Festival “No Limits”

For enquiry on AA support and Audio Description in Cantonese, please contact: 2777 1771

Production Team

Director and Producer

Michael House

Executive Producer

Mike House

Associate Producer

Sarah Vermande


Marc Aufrant
Peter Bosher
Tom Bullen
Zoe Dixon
Liz Hargest
Andy Howard
Roxane Jeseck
Dominique Levacque
David Aprahamian Liddle
Victoria Oruwari
Caroline Risdon
Grace Risdon
James Risdon
Kevin Satizabal
Baluji Shivastav
Nick Taylor
Rommy Turtev
Matthew Wadsworth


About "No Limits"

“No Limits”, first launched in 2019 and co-presented by the Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, aims to create a barrier-free environment and explore and promote inclusiveness and understanding through the arts.

Art is not bound by one’s ability but limited only by one’s imagination. With the 2021 “No Limits”, you are invited to experience a series of programmes which cover music, dance, theatre and film by international and Hong Kong artists of different abilities that defy constraints and boundaries.

The 2021 “No Limits” will present a series of exciting, mainly online programmes for our artists and audiences to convene virtually, and to share the message of inclusiveness in the arts with society.

The project also invests heavily in arts education for young people; diverse arts experience are designed to nurture students’ interest in the arts, and to enable them to share the joy of the arts together with people of different abilities.