Er Gao (Mainland)
Fabrizio Massini (Italy)
Commissioned by
IBSEN International (Norway)
ErGao Dance Production Group
Once considered a “decadent” hobby during the Cultural Revolution, dance became popular again in the 1980s when China opened its doors to the world, where the disco movement infiltrated the country via Hong Kong with a hurricane of synthesisers, flirtatious moves, bright lipsticks, wild hairdos, and disco balls. Directed by one of the brightest stars of contemporary dance in China, Er Gao, Disco-Teca reflects upon Mainland’s disco culture and raises questions about social status, the sense of belonging, and gender identity. Enjoyed by audiences the world over with its multiple international runs, the piece examines how disco clubs contributed to the construction of the self and changed Mainland’s social landscape forever. Expect a surprising mix of retro flavours and refined bodily expressions that are as fun to look at as they are provoking.

Er Gao (He Qiwo)
He Qiwo (ErGao) is a multi-media dancer/choreographer whose works are presented through dance, film, installation and other creative mediums. A graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Er Gao founded Er Gao Dance Production Group (EDPG) in 2007 in Guangzhou with a focus on dance theatre, dance film, community arts, and dance education. His productions continuously consider the body as the primary medium of work and the site of artistic investigation, using diverse strategies to explore China’s social and cultural identities, sex and gender, along with other topics. His major works include Disco-Teca, Salty Roast Crane, Super Tight, Everyday Dance Movement, This is A Chicken Coop, and Lucy.
Between 2008 and 2012, Er Gao was invited to participate in collaborations with international dance companies and festivals including Rubatu Tanz Company (Germany), Angie Hiesl and Roland Kaiser (Germany), Limitrof Company (France), Emio Greco | PC (Holland). After 2012, Er Gao accepted commissions from numerous arts organisations and art festivals, including Ibsen International (Norway), Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Jumping Frames Dance Film Festival, Guangdong Modern Dance Festival, Guangdong Modern Dance Company, DPAC Dance Company (Malaysia), Guangdong Times Museum, and Shanghai Ming Contemporary Art Museum. In recent years, Er Gao has presented dance education work, lectures, workshops, and other events in a number of countries, including China, France, and Malaysia. In 2015, German’s Deutsche Welle named Er Gao “one of the brightest stars of contemporary dance in China”.
The running time of each performance is approximately 75 minutes without intermissions. Latecomers may only be admitted at a suitable break.
Persons under the age of 6 will not be admitted.
Discount 1
15% off when purchasing DIARY VI. APPLAUSE… and DOLLHOUSE, or DISCO-TECA and KIDS at one time
Discount 2
20% off when purchasing any of the 3 different performances at one time.
Discount 1 and 2 are only applicable to standard tickets (not concessionary tickets for full-time students / senior citizens aged 60 or above / people with disabilities / wheelchair users).
Discount 3
50% off for full-time students / senior citizens aged 60 or above / people with disabilities / wheelchair users.
Pre-show exhibition
Before the performance, come over to Tai Kwun F Hall and learn more about this once-popular disco culture in the pre-show exhibition, where you will find yourself travelling back to 1980s dance floors.
19 / 20 Oct 2018 | 10am-4pm |
21 Oct 2018 | 10am-12pm |
Post-performance Talk
To deepen the audience’s understanding of the work DISCO-TECA, the researcher Dr. Wang Qian and concept designer Fabrizio Massini will lead a post-performance talk after each performance